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Join us for Kid's Worship!

We are offering a separate K-5th grade Kid's Worship time only during the 10:30 AM service in the Memorial Chapel on the North end of the campus. Families bring their children to Door C and check them into this service. The 9:00 AM service is a Family worship time where K-5th grade kids join their families in the main sanctuary. You are always welcome to worship all together as a family in any of these services. 

Family Worship

  • Sunday Morning Classic Service - 9:00 AM

  • Sunday Morning Modern Service - 10:30 AM


Chapel Hill Kids Worship


Chapel Hill Kids Worship is only offered during the 10:30 AM service. Here, the kids experience God’s love through relationships and role models. Chapel Hill Kids immerses kids in God’s story through worship, games, engaging leaders, and Life Group (small group) sharing. We have seven segments to our weekend times with the kids.

  1. PRELUDE – Check-In time with greeting parents and children is setting the tone for the experience.

  2. SOCIAL – time for fun interaction.

  3. TRANSITIONS – moving smoothly from one thing to another

  4. STORY – communicating God’s truth in engaging ways.

  5. WORSHIP – inviting people to respond to God.

  6. LIFE GROUPS – We split into small groups according to age/grade, creating a safe place to connect in age-appropriate ways.

  7. LAUNCH – prompting action beyond the experience.


The curriculum we use has a monthly theme and a memory verse for kids to memorize. Check out the Parent Resources page for help with this important role in parenting.

Secure check-in

Have one parent or guardian check your K-5th graders in at Door C after 10:15 AM and then make your way to the main sanctuary.


What to expect

The fun begins in Memorial Chapel, where kids play games and get to know their life group leaders. We begin our large group time with worship and a large group game. A Bible story is presented featuring media and activities designed to bring the Bible alive and make it memorable. Kids are then dismissed to age-appropriate life groups to connect with the story and each other.   


At pick-up time, you will follow signs to the Memorial Chapel, enter the Chapel in the side door, find your children, and present the pick-up tickets you received at Check-In as you exit the back door to hang out with others outside or in the Fellowship Hall. Free coffee and snacks are available in the Fellowship Hall

If you have any questions before coming, do not hesitate to call my work phone (253.853.0222), my cell phone (209.247.6157), or email me (


Check out Faith & Character website for weekly activities and devotionals to guide kids at every phase to trust Jesus in a way that changes how they see God, themselves, and the rest of the world.

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